Great Lakes Bible Institute

Spring 2024 Course Schedule

Hermeneutics: How to Study God’s Word

Tony Iorillo
Tuesdays, March 5 – May 21
6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.

The Bible is a massive ancient book filled with 66 little books, yet boasting an unparalleled unity. If that is not challenging enough, it is made-up of three ancient languages, two major cultural contexts, and many different literary styles. Furthermore, we are dealing with the inspired Word from God with a central message simple enough for a child to comprehend. How do we put this all together so that we properly interpret and apply Scripture to our lives? Come join us as we seek to demonstrate a proper method for interpreting and applying Scripture.


Fee, Gordon D. and Douglas Stuart. How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth. 4th ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2014. Buy on Amazon


Micro Course: Singleness and the Local Church

Pastor Mike Hixson
Thursday, February 22
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Free for all who register

Singleness may be one of the more uncomfortable topics to discuss in today’s local church. How is it that both Jesus and Paul–important characters in the New Testament to say the least–can be unmarried, yet in today’s church those who are without a spouse can feel forgotten? In this class we’ll examine what the Bible says about singleness, discuss historic and popular notions about singleness and marriage (both biblical and unbiblical), and then propose a way forward for the body of Christ to minister to one another more skillfully as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Book for Class

Allberry, Sam. 7 Myths about Singleness. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 2019. Buy on Amazon
