Summer 2022 Course Schedule

Sanctification: A Biblical Look at How We Change

Dr. Mark Snoeberger


June 6-10 (Monday-Friday)
6:30-8:30 PM


FREE for all who register*

Course Overview

Have you ever been frustrated by your struggles with sin? Have you looked at other Christians and wondered how they can love Jesus and live a godly life so easily? For some, this frustration leads to an attractive solution where they think they can “let go and let God,” rededicate their life to the Lord, and achieve a higher level of spiritual life where they will no longer struggle with sin. But is this thinking biblical? This class will explore how the doctrine of sanctification guides our thinking and provides a biblical framework for what Christians should expect as they change to become more like Christ.

Books for Class

Packer, J.I. Keeping in Step With the Spirit. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2005. Buy on Amazon

*While we are not formally charging students, we want to honor those who would want to give towards the instruction they are receiving, especially given the additional assessment and feedback to those taking the class for credit.